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Here is my Slideshare presentation on Color Theory:

After reading about other students’ difficulty uploading their PowerPoint and syncing audio to make their Slidecast, I was almost dreading beginning the “technical” work of this project. Color theory is a topic I am currently teaching my students, so I thought it would be suitable for this project. After creating a script, recording, re-recording, listening, deleting, starting over, and finally getting “the one,” I am glad I decided to do the project on color theory.

Jonathan asked me a couple weeks ago if I considered myself an “artist that fiddles with technology or a techie that produces art?” I told him I was definitely a techie that produces art! Other than an art class I took in 4th grade, I have no background of topics such as color theory. Not only did this project give me the opportunity to experiment with a new teaching tool, but it gave me a chance to really go over, learn, and understand the topic that I will be teaching next week– color theory! I am okay with admitting that I am “learning as I go,” because it’s true! I really love and enjoy teaching my curriculum, but I cannot lie– art is very new to me!

As far as the “technical” side, I didn’t have a whole lot of trouble. It’s been at least a year since I’ve worked with Audacity, but it’s a pretty simple software, so I didn’t have a lot of trouble readjusting. The only part of Slidecasting that frustrated me was figuring out once I updated my PowerPoint slides and reuploaded them, I had to start my audio syncing over. I made this mistake at least twice before realizing it. So, I began the project yesterday (Saturday) with the intentions of finishing it, but became a little aggravated, so I ended up finishing syncing my audio today. Once I caught on, it was a piece of cake!

All in all, this was a great learning experience for me. Maybe it would be a good idea to begin Slidecasting all of my lessons! It is something I will definitely consider, especially if I have to miss a day of teaching due to professional/personal reasons. I’d be able to leave a Slidecast for my students and I think it would be the “next best thing” to actually having me there!