My podcasting experience went pretty well. In order to really understand the technical process, which I was admittedly nervous about, I decided to create a brief podcast that introduced new high school students and their parents to my course, Computer Graphics Technology.

After using Audacity to record the audio file of my podcast, I began browsing appropriate audio that I already had on my computer. I ended up choosing “” to be set to play at the beginning of my podcast. After editing for awhile, I had my complete audio file synced and saved as an MP3. Having literally zero experience with Ocean, I tried not to be hesitant about diving in. After getting iTech to set up my account, I tried downloading WinSCP on my work computer, but was unsuccessful. This was a little bothersome, as I try to do a lot of my graduate schoolwork after workdays in my classroom, rather than working on it at home. I ended up getting WinSCP to load on my personal laptop, and began trying to figure it out.

After about an hour, I decided to give David a call to see if I was on the right track. I’d figured out a good bit, but used his valuable assistance to really finish the project. After testing my RSS feed and found it successful, I really felt accomplished! I don’t have a large amount of Web design experience, so I was almost intimidated at the thought of working with Ocean, but with David’s help, I was able to finish it up in a very timely manner! As I told David, I’d set aside 2 weekend days to work on the project, and ended up only spending about 3 hours on recording, editing, uploading, subscribing. I was impressed with how easy it was to establish an RSS feed, as it seemed like it would be pretty difficult “at first glance.”

I’d used iTunes a good bit with my iPhone, but hadn’t ever done much “exploring.” I didn’t realize the Podcast channel capability and how easy it is to subscribe to one. As a high school teacher, I think podcasting would be a helpful tool for many purposes– exam review, reflections (posts made by students), and lesson recaps. I would be most likely to record a lecture and post it to the class site for access by an absent student who needs to make up classwork. I don’t do a terribly large amount of lecturing, though, so I think I’d have to get creative if I were to incorporate a large amount of podcasting into my classroom. Possibly a student-created podcast (individually or maybe a partner/group-collaborative effort) would be a fun, effective way of using podcasting in my classroom.

This is the link to my RSS feed created for podcasting purposes.